Seminar on Governance for Sustainable Development 
社會科學院  公共事務研究所  
343 U0290 

本課程包含三大部分。第一部分介紹永續(sustainability)與永續發展(sustainable development)的概念、起源、發展以及其多元面向。就永續發展的意義而言,該門課強調不僅永續的環境面向是重要的,社會面向與經濟面向也同等重要。以聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)的17項核心目標(goals)與169個細項目標(targets)為例,課程帶領同學認識全球南北半球國家對各永續治理面向的討論與努力。
本課程第二部分的重點,在於呈現永續發展之理念與實踐具有社會建構(social construction)的特質,以及在生產與傳遞永續科學/知識過程隱含的政治。同時,本課程也向同學展示,永續治理動態的所有層面都涉及權力關係的運作。

1. 讓同學瞭解永續發展與永續治理之意涵與包含面向
2. 引導同學關心當前全球、區域、國家及地方如何面對永續議題的挑戰
3. 培養同學針對不同永續議題發展政策工具與治理模式之能力
4. 訓練同學針對不同永續議題撰寫政策分析或研究報告 
1. 課程參與(30%)
2. 文獻導讀(35%)
3. 個人期末報告(35%)
Office Hours
一、 指定閱讀
Week 2: 永續發展的源起與發展
Du Pisani, Jacob A. 2006. “Sustainable Development – Historical Roots of the Concept.” Environmental Sciences, 3(2): 83-96.
Mensah, Justice. 2019. “Sustainable Development: Meaning, History, Principles, Pillars, and Implications for Human Action: Literature Review.” Cogent Social Sciences, 5(1): 1653531.

Week 3: 永續發展的面向
Redclift, Michael. 1991. “The Multiple Dimensions of Sustainable Development.” Geography, 76(1): 36-42.
Paw?owski, Artur. 2008. “How Many Dimensions Does Sustainable Development Have?” Sustainable Development, 16(2): 81-90.

Week 4: 永續發展的社會面向
Dempsey, Nicola, Glen Bramley, Sinead Power, and Caroline Brown. 2011. “The Social Dimension of Sustainable Development: Defining Urban Social Sustainability.” Sustainable Development, 19(5): 289-300.
Torjman, Sherri. 2000. The Social Dimension of Sustainable Development. Canada: Caledon Institute of Social Policy.

Week 5: 永續發展的環境面向
McGranahan, Gordon, and David Satterthwaite. 2002. “The Environmental Dimensions of Sustainable Development for Cities.” Geography, 87(3): 231-226.
Mulligan, Martin. 2017. “Environmental dimensions of sustainability.” In Martin Mulligan, An Introduction to Sustainability Environmental, Social and Personal Perspectives (2nd Edition), Chapter 8.

Week 6: 永續發展的經濟面向
Spangenberg, Joachim H. 2005. “Economic Sustainability of the Economy: Concepts and Indicators.” International Journal of Sustainable Development, 8(1-2): 47-64.
Strezov, Vladimir, Annette Evans, and Tim J. Evans. 2017. “Assessment of the Economic, Social and Environmental Dimensions of the Indicators for Sustainable Development.” Sustainable Development, 25(3): 242-253.

Week 7: 永續發展的政治
O’Riordan, Tim, and Heather Voisey. “The Political Economy of Sustainable Development.” Environmental Politics, 6(1): 1-23.
Nayar, K.R. 1994. “Politics of Sustainable Development.” Economic and Political Weekly, 29(22): 1327-1329
Scoones, Ian. 2016. “The Politics of Sustainability and Development.” The Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 41: 293-319.

Week 8: 永續科學的政治
Kutting, Gabriela, and Ronnie D. Lipschutz (eds). 2009. Environmental Governance: Power and Knowledge in a Local-Global World. London: Routledge.
Vink, Martinus J., and Art Dewulf, and Catrien Termeer. 2013. “The Role of Knowledge and Power in Climate Change Adaptation: A Systematic Literature Review.” Ecology and Society, 18(4): [46].

Week 9: 公民科學與永續發展
Backstrand, Karin. 2003. “Civic Science for Sustainability: Reframing the Role of Experts, Policy-Makers and Citizens in Environmental Governance.” Global Environmental Politics, 3(4): 24-41.
Backstrand, Karin. 2015. “Scientisation vs. Civic Expertise in Environmental Governance: Eco-Feminist, Eco-Modern and Post-Modern Responses.” Environmental Politics, 13(4): 695-714.

Week 10: 永續發展的尺度
Gupta, Joyeeta, and Mans Nilsson. 2017. “Toward a Multi-level Action Framework for Sustainable Development Goals.” In Norichika Kanie and Frank Biermann (eds), Governing through Goals: Sustainable Development Goals as Governance Innovation. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp. 275-294.
Newig, Jens, and Timothy Moss. 2017. “Scale in Environmental Governance: Moving from Concepts and Cases to Consolidation.” Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 19(5): 473-479.
Bringezu, Stefan, Janez Poto?nik, Heinz Schandl, Yonglong Lu, Anu Ramaswami, Mark Swilling and Sangwon Suh. 2016. “Multi-Scale Governance of Sustainable Natural Resource Use—Challenges and Opportunities for Monitoring and Institutional Development at the National and Global Level.” Sustainability, 8(8): [778].

Week 11: 永續發展目標中的治理議題
Gupta, Joyeeta, and Courtney Vegelin. 2016. “Sustainable Development Goals and Inclusive Development.” International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 16(3): 433-448.
Forestier, Oana, and Rakhyun E. Kim. 2020. “Cherry-picking the Sustainable Development Goals: Goal Prioritization by National Governments and Implications for Global Governance.” Sustainable Development, 28(5): 1269-1278.
Rakhyun E. Kim. 2016. “The Nexus between International Law and the Sustainable Development Goals.” Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 25(1): 15-26.

Week 12: 永續發展的政策工具
Moran, Alan. 1995. Tools of Environmental Policy: Market Instruments versus Command-and-Control. In Robyn Eckersley (ed). Markets, the State and the Environment. Melbourne: Macmillan, pp. 73-85.
Jacobs, Michal. 1995. “Sustainability and ‘the Market’: A Typology of Environmental Economics.” In Robyn Eckersley (ed). Markets, the State and the Environment. Melbourne: Macmillan, pp. 46-70.

Week 13: 永續治理的民主化
Backstrand, Karin. 2006. “Democratizing Global Environmental Governance? Stakeholder Democracy After the World Summit on Sustainable Development.” European Journal of International Relations, 12(4): 467-498.
Backstrand, Karin. 2006. “Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Rethinking Legitimacy, Accountability and Effectiveness.” Environmental Policy and Governance, 16(5): 290-306.

Week 14: 永續治理的行動者與利害關係人
Backstrand, Karin, Jonathan W. Kuyper, Bjorn-Ola Linner and Eva Lovbrand. 2017. “Non-state Actors in Global Climate Governance: From Copenhagen to Paris and Beyond.” Environmental Politics, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 561-579.
Wurzel, Rudiger K.W., Duncan Liefferink, and Diarmuid Torney. 2019. “Pioneers, Leaders and Followers in Multilevel and Polycentric Climate Governance.” Environmental Politics, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 1-21.

Week 15: 永續治理的部門
Pacheco-Vega, Raul. 2010. “NGOs and Sustainable Development.” In Helmut K. Anheier and Stefan Toepler (eds), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. New York: Springer, pp.1049-1054.
Scherer, Andreas Georg, and Guido Palazzo. 2011. “The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World: A Review of a New Perspective on CSR and its Implications for the Firm, Governance, and Democracy.” Journal of Management Studies, 48(4): 899-931.

二、 延伸閱讀(請詳述每週延伸閱讀)
Week 2
De Jong, Eileen, and Marjanneke J. Vijge. 2021. “From Millennium to Sustainable Development Goals: Evolving Discourses and Their Reflection in Policy Coherence for Development.” Earth System Governance, 7: [100087].

Week 3
Seghezzo, Lucas. 2009. “The Five Dimensions of Sustainability.” Environmental Politics, 18(4): 539-556.

Week 7
Hess, David J. 2018. “Energy Democracy and Social Movements: A Multi-coalition Perspective on the Politics of Sustainability Transitions.” Energy Research & Social Science, 40: 177-189.

Week 10
Gupta, Joyeeta. 2008. “Global Change: Analyzing Scale and Scaling in Environmental Governance.” In Oran R. Young, Leslie A. King, and Heike Schroeder (eds), Institutional and Environmental Change: Principal Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp. 225-258.

Week 11
Gupta, Joyeeta, and Louis Lebel. 2020. “Access and Allocation in Earth System Governance: Lessons Learn in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals.” International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 20(3): 393-410.

Week 12
Driesen, David M. 2006. “Economic instruments for sustainable development.” In Benjamin. J. Richardson and Stepan Wood (eds), Environmental Law for Sustainability. Oregon: Hart Publishing, pp. 343-380.

Week 13
Lange, Philipp, Peter P.J. Driessen, Alexandra Sauer, Basil Bornemann, and Paul Burger. 2013. “Governing Towards Sustainability — Conceptualizing Modes of Governance.” Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 15(3): 403-425. 